to May 19

Weekend away - Kernewek Lowender

  • Google Calendar ICS

Kernewek Lowender is the Copper Coast Cornish festival, held annually in Moonta Kadina and Wallaroo. It includes the Cavalcade of Cars & Motorcycles with over 500 vintage cars and motorcycles travelling around the Copper Coast, See the link to the festival website here: HOME | Kernewek Lowender

A number from the club will be booking into the Port Hughes caravan park - book in now to avoid disappointment.

More details coming shortly.

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11:00 AM11:00

St Kilda Tramway Museum and St Kilda Hotel

Come and enjoy lunch with your fellow club members at the St Kilda Hotel, followed by a visit to the St Kilda Tramway Museum.

Take a trip into history on some of the heritage trams from Adelaide and interstate. Learn about thehistory of Adelaide’s tram network.

View a collection of over 26 preserved trams ranging from the horse-drawn era through to the very last tram built in Adelaide. Ride on a tram from the museum to the St Kilda foreshore.

Meet: Autobarn carpark, 252 Churchill Rd, Kilburn. 11am for 11.30 departure.

Lunch: 12 midday at St Kilda Hotel, 2-10 Fooks Terrance, St Kilda.

Museum entry fees: Adults $10, Concession and Children $7.

Please register your attendance with Andrew Chandler on 0466 621 659 by 19 March 2025.

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8:45 AM08:45

Captain's Brunch Run

Feathers Hotel, 516 Glynburn Rd, Burnside SA 5066

Please join Captain Andrew on a pleasant drive to leafy Burnside.

Meet: CCC clubrooms carpark at Glandore at 8:45 am for a 9:15 departure. Arrive at Feathers Hotel car park at approx. 9:45 am.

At 10am enjoy a tasty brunch/morning tea in the historic pub, followed by a short drive to Waterfall Gully for a stroll to the bas f the waterfall. For those of you feeling more adventurous there are longer walks to go on from this point.

Please register your attendance with Andrew on 0466 621 659 no later than 16th February but preferably sooner.

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9:00 AM09:00

Aussie Beach Day

The weekend before Australia Day, bring your family, friends and fellow car enthusiasts for a day of relaxation and fun. Don’t forget your sunscreen, hats and beach gear!

Meet: Clubrooms, Glandore Community Centre. 9am for 9.30 departure.

Morning Tea Drive - We’ll kick things off with a scenic drive to our first stop at Old Noarlunga, where we’ll indulge in a classic Aussie treat and a lovely cuppa.

From there onto a beach barbecue at Aldinga Beach. With cricket, kites, bocce etc - or a more laid back afternoon at one of South Australia’s most stunning beaches. Enjoy a good old-fashioned sausage sizzle with all the trimmings - onions sauce and smiles!

BYO: For both stops - chairs, tea and coffee. Dietary requirements? No worries, we’ve got you covered.

Cost: $15 per person, Kids under 12 free. We understand there is also a $12 council fee to take your car onto the beach.

RSVP by 12th January, or any questions contact Tressa 0423 184 863.

Don’t forget to wash your Morry afterwards!

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10:30 AM10:30

Christmas Lunch

Bridgewater Inn, 387 Mount Barker Road

Meet at Glen Osmond Fire Station, 582 Portrush Road, Glen Osmond at 10.30am for 11am departure.

Plan is to arrive and be seated at the Bridgewater Inn by 12 midday.

There’s plenty of parking, but table bookings are essential. To confirm your booking, please call Mark Gauci on 0418 266 922.

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11:00 AM11:00

Army Museum at Keswick Barracks

11am arrive at the Army Museum of South Australia, at the Keswick Army Barracks.

The museum galleries recount South Australia’s involvement in a variety of Australian conflicts from the colonial era in the late 19th century, through to the more modern conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. The museum is transitioning its displays to give greater emphasis to the modern-day Army in South Australia.

There’s a small shop, comprehensive library, and the Research and Education Centre to support visitors and researchers. See more about the museum here: Army Museum of South Australia | Australian Army

Building 112 (Entry via Gate 4)
Keswick Barracks
ANZAC Highway
Keswick SA 5035

Museum entry $5 per person, $3 concession/pensioners.

Or include the Guided Heritage Walk for $7 per person - 45 minutes guided walk around the Barracks and parade ground.

These is a grassed area in front of the museum for a picnic lunch. Please BYO food, drink and chairs.

Parking will be made available on the Parade Ground for the Morrises to park together.

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10:00 AM10:00

Log Book Day at the Clubrooms

Members who have your car on conditional registration - You must be a financial member of the club to continue your registration.

Subs can be paid on Log book day or earlier. Please come along and bring your registration papers and your log book, and preferably your Morris for a look. if you need a new log book, they can be purchased for $5 on the day too.

We will be putting on a sausage sizzle for lunch, and club merchandise will also be on sale on the day.

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8:00 AM08:00

Bay to Birdwood and Median Strip Breakfast

For those not going in the famous Bay to Birdwood run, there will once again be the Car Club breakfast in the Anzac Highway median strip, opposite the KMart and Coles at Kurralta Park. Come along and cheer the Morries on to Birdwood!

Masterchef Mark Gauci will once again be arising at sparrow’s fart to set up and cook up a wonderful breakfast, including bacon, eggs and grilled tomatoes on toast, pancakes with maple syrup, plus the all-important tea and coffee to start the day.

All for the cost of $10 per person.

The median strip is the perfect location to park our Morries and proudly display, while sitting under the beautiful tree-lined strip, and enjoying the amazing array of vehicles that will pass directly by our vantage point.

Bookings for this event are essential. Please call Mark on 0418 266 922 to confirm your number of attendees no later than 13 October.

Please bring your Morris, and a chair to sit on to enjoy the passing parade.

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7:30 PM19:30


The Annual General Meeting for the Morris car Club and the Morris Minor car Club will be held at 7.30 pm on Wednesday October 16th 2024, at the Glandore Community Centre, Clark Avenue, Glandore (the Clubrooms).

At the AGM, all positions will be declared vacant. Nominations to fill the positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary, treasurer, Club Captain and at least two other committee positions are now being called for and must be in the hands of Secretary by the end of the meeting in September (pe Para 7.2 of the constitution).

The constitution provides that the number of committee members will be a minimum of seven and a maximum of nine, this allowing for up to four other committee persons besides those with specific positions. Nominating as an ‘other’ committee person provides an opportunity to become familiar with the running of the club before taking on one of the other positions at some time in the future.

To nominate for any posoition on the Club’s committee, simply complete and send in the form in the Bulletin, or email the Secretary at the club’s email , with your name and contact details and the position for which you are nominating.

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9:00 AM09:00

Go-Karts and Pizza Day Gawler

X-Kart Extreme go-karts and leisure 22 Tiver Rd, Evanston South SA 5116

This event is for members, friends and family welcome.

Open air track 350 metres long with 10 corners, able to have 14 karts at a time on the starting grid.

For go-kart driving $35 per person (pizza approx $5 extra).

Time: Meet at clubrooms 9am for 9.30 departure.

Arrive at Extreme Go karts approx. 10.30am.

Driver briefing and safety session begins approx. 10.30am, driving starts 11am.

For people wanting to meet us there, please arrive at Extreme Go-Karts at 10.15am.

Bring: Chairs. There is an outside picnic area and indoor seating.

Please notify the number of drivers and pizza eaters to Michael Kalisch on 0427 253 374 by Friday September 27th at the latest.

This will be a great event, one not to be missed!

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8:30 AM08:30

The President's All Morris Day Family & Friends Charity Picnic

Combined run with the Morris Register Car Club.

Includes the grand unveiling of the club trailer (MAU).

Albert Greenshields Reserve, corner Torrens Road and Blight Street, Ridleyton.

This is an open invitation to all Morris vehicles. As many Morris vehicles as we can muster are welcome. BBQ sausage sizzle and drinks (Tea/Coffee/Soft) for purchase.

Times: Cars to arrive between 8:30am and no later than 10:00am. leave from 2:30pm. Formalities at 11:30am.

$10 entry fee per car (payable on the day) with all money raised going to Western Districts Rotary Clubs.

To Register for this event please contact our club Secretary on 0414 346 301

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8:30 AM08:30

Old Tailem Town Pioneer Village Visit & Picnic

Meet: Glen Osmond Metropolitan Fire Station, conrner Glebe and Portrush Roads.

Time: 8.30am for 9am departure.

orning tea stop along the way at Callington.

Entry fees - cash only - $25 per person

Come and see this fascinating display of early pioneer life with 113 buildings. To see everything, allow 3 hours. Feel free to dress in period costume!

Lunch: BYO food and drinks - no facilities to purchase on site.

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9:30 AM09:30

Morris Car Club family & friends mid-year lunch extravaganza!

Departure from Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide. 9.30am for 10am departure.

Come along to one of Australia’s largest family owned wildlife parks. A large collection of native animals plus a variety of exotics, including meerkats, tortoises, otters, iguanas, bug cats, monkeys and a vast range of birds.

A morning tea stop (BYO) followed by a visit to the Gorge Wildlife Park, 30 Redden Drive Cudlee Creek. BYO picnic lunch or free use of undercover BBQ’s, or buy something from the kiosk which sells fresh takeaway food (pies, pasties, hot dogs, hot chips, sandwiches etc. Hot & cold drinks, ice creams & confectionery)

There is a large undercover area which seats up to 60 people plus a lawn area and gazebo.

Admission prices:
Adults $21.00
Children (aged 3-15) $11.00
Student & Concession $19.00 (must produce a student card, Seniors card or Pensioner concession card – excludes Health Care card)

Family Pass $66.00 (2 adults & 2 children, extra children $10.00 each)

All members, family & friends welcome!

Please contact Andrew on 0466 621 659 to confirm numbers by Friday 21st June.

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8:30 AM08:30

The Hill & Son Pipe Organ Tanunda

Magical Music tour of
The 1877 Hill & Son
Tanunda, Barossa Valley

Departing from the Clubrooms or the Whitehorse Inn

Join us for a drive to the beautiful Barossa Valley. Morning tea stop at the Lyndoch Village Green, BYO or buy from the bakery opposite.
Fantastic photo opportunity here with the Village Green and vineyards as a backdrop.
Then on to the Tanunda Soldiers Memorial Hall/Barossa Regional Gallery. Here we will have a 1 hour tour of the magnificent Hill & Son Grand Organ. See the inner workings of the organ & hear a short talk on its history and listen to the sounds of it being played.
After the tour we walk next door to the Clubhouse Community Tavern for a well deserved lunch. Plenty of on-site parking.

Arrive at the clubrooms at 8.30am & depart 8.45am sharp
Arrive at the Whitehorse Inn at approx. 9.20am & depart 9.35am sharp
Arrive at Lyndoch Village Green at approx. 10.15am
Depart Lyndoch for Tanunda at 11.00am
Arrive at Barossa Regional Gallery at 11.20am – tour to commence at 11.30am – please note there is a $5.00 donation per person to be paid in cash on the day
Lunch at The Clubhouse, Tanunda from 12.45pm

Please join us for what promises to be a very memorable experience.

Please register your attendance with Andrew (0466 621 659) by Wednesday 15 May so that booking numbers can be confirmed.

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3:30 PM15:30

Saturday At Dusk Drive

A late afternoon run from Glandore to Pasadena, along a scenic way.

Please note the Saturday date.

Meet: Clubrooms, 3.30pm for 4pm departure.

The route will take in some coastal views that we don not see hat often. And there will be no questions to answer.

The drive will finish up at Pasadena at sunset for dinner around 5.30 - 6pm at the Balthazar cafe.

The meals are well prced and very nice and it suits groups wll. Check out the menu at

RSVP to Patrick by calling or texting on 0414 346 301 by Friday 26 April.

We look forward to seeing you there.

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10:00 AM10:00

McLaren Vale Vintage and Classic

Entries closed 23 March. No late entries.

But you can watch the ‘Grand Parade’ in Main Road McLaren Vale starting at 11am.

Over 600 entries are expected include a fleet of Rolls Royces.

Following the parade, the vehicles will go to the properties of various wineries and other venues where you can view them and take part in activities.

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to Mar 25

2024 Weekend Away

  • Google Calendar ICS

This year we will be travelling to Peterborough, to soak up what some locals call the ‘Geographic heart of Australia’.

We will have the opportunity to explore the 100-year-old Roundhouse at the Steamtown Heritage Rail Centre, and for those who are up for it, we can book in to watch the Sound and Light Show.

Another day may see us at the Times Printing Office where we get a feel for the experience and workings of and original print shop, or at The Burg where we can see a 1:148 scale model of the Peterborough rail yards in the late 1960s.

There are churches, cemeteries, the Peterborough Federation Quilt, Bob the Railway Dog sculpture, nature walks, history museums, and much more!

It would be great to see as many club cars there as we can, with some great photo opportunities to be had.. To find out more about the location go to

Accomodation: Book at either of the below. Both offer very similar prices and are not far from each other.

Roundhouse Motel Ph 8651 2078. For a variety of configuration style motel rooms.

Peterborough Caravan Park Ph 8651 2545. Great for those planning to bring vans.

Once you have booked or have any questions, please contact Tressa on 0423 184 863.

** For those club members who have one, it’s good to note that Peterborough is a RV friendly town. :)

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9:00 AM09:00

British Classics Tour

The Historic Motor Vehicles Club and the MG Car Club of SA present this event to celebrate the centenary year of the MG.

Starts: Port Noarlunga Football Club

Finishes:Victor Harbor following a tour of the southern Fleurieu Peninsula.

Registrations can be made online at Eventbrite. Link at

Tickets: Motorcycles $15, Cars $30.

Any problems with registering please call 0457 333 685.

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9:00 AM09:00

All British Day

Echunga Oval.

All British Day is an annual display day and picnic for car club members to meet and show off their British vehicles which may inlude motorcycles and commercial vehicles as well as cars.

This year celebrating 40 years with the make of vehicle taking centre stage the British MG 1924 - 2004.

Postal and online entries closed on 1 November 2023 BUT you and attend as a spectator.

Children(U18): $5; Adults $10; Family (2 adults, 2 children) $25.

Check website

See the Wrapup from Facebook below:

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8:30 AM08:30

Captains Brunch Run

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking. Please fasten your seatbelts (if you have them fitted of course) and join me for a journey to the seaside.

We will be cruising at a speed of around 40km per hour (most of the time anyway).

We are expecting a mainly smooth ride with the odd bump (and maybe a squeak or rattle or two).

Assemble: Southeast corner of Hindmarsh Square in your magnificent flying machines.

Time: 8.30am for 9am departure.

From here we will travel to a mystery central (metro) beachside location.

We will enjoy a leisurely breakfast/brunch followed by an optional stroll along the beachfront.

Please contact Andrew on 0466 621 659 by 21 February to register your attendance so bookings can be confirmed.

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10:00 AM10:00

Weekday Valentines Day Run

Dunluce Castle, Brighton.

Meet: 10am at the Clubrooms

We will have a short ride before arriving at the castle for a devonshire morning tea, followed by a tour.

Cost: $24.50 per person.

Then Seniors lunch at the Brighton Hotel.

To book, please contact Gloria in January on 0409 282 924.

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9:15 AM09:15

Australia Day-ish Run!

Morning tea and lunch.

Meet: Southeast corner of Hindmarsh Square

Time: 9.15am dr 9.30 departure

There will be a drive from Hindmarsh Square to an undisclosed location for morning tea, and a first time for our club, arriving at 10.15am.

There, you’ll enjoy delicious warm home-made scones, served with jam and cream, accompanied by tea or coffee, in fine china crockery.

At 11.15am, we’ll be on our way to our main port of call for lunch at a delightful seaside hotel, arriving 12 midday.

Important points to note: Attendance at this club run is by booking only.

RSVP by 21/1/24, call Mark on 0418 266 922

We are restricted as to attendance numbers, so get in early.

Cost: Morning tea - $6 pre preson to be collected at Hindmarsh Square prior to departure.

Lunch - main meals at the hotel are between $25 - $30

We look forward to seeing many club cars attending this event, that will include a unique photoshoot at morning tea!

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10:30 AM10:30

Christmas Lunch

Meet in the carpark on Glebe Road, Glen Osmond alongside the Fire Station from 10am for a 10.30am departure.

Balhannah Hotel 12 noon

Wear your brightest and boldest Christmas attire and come celbrate our last gathering of the year.

RSVP Tressa 0423 184 863 no later than 20th November.

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9:30 AM09:30

Mystery Garage Run - Calling All Ladies!

Meet at the Whitehorse Inn, Bolivar 10am for 10.15 departure to the Mystery Garage location.

We will venture out to one member’s retreat. After a tour of the grounds, we leave the boys to their toys and car chatter, while we pull up a chair and have a nice natter over delicious morning tea. All we need you to bring are your Moggies, a chair and a coffee cup.

Vanessa, Carly and Tressa will attempt to wow you with a nifty device demo that could get you out of trouble in a jiffy and not leave you stranded awaiting Prince Charming’s assistance.

Not to leave the gents out totally, we have a little demo for them too, and if it tickles their fancy, won’t hit the purse strings too hard!

After all this hard work we will venture out again in our Moggies to a nice pub that overlooks the water and find ourselves something delicious for lunch.

Couldn’t think of a better way to end what will be a lovely day of adventure and learning with good friends,

RSVP Tressa on 0423 184 863 by Nov 12th.

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10:00 AM10:00

Barossa Putt-Putt Golf

Meet at the clubrooms 8.30 for 9am departure, or 9:30 for morning tea at the Whitehorse Inn, Bolivar depart 10am, then arriving at Barossa Putt Putt Golf approx 10.45am for a round of highly competitive fun, followed by a picnic lunch or purchase from the cafe. Speak to Andrew Chandler on 0466 621 659 for any further details required.

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8:30 AM08:30

Bay to Birdwood Median Strip Breakfast

For those not going in the famous Bay to Birdwood run, there will once again be the Car Club breakfast in the Anzac Highway median strip, opposite the KMart and Coles at Kurralta Park. Come along and cheer the Morries on to Birdwood. Breakfast will be on a BYO basis.

A few pictures and a video from the day are below:

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10:00 AM10:00

Log Book Day

Log book day at the Glandore Clubrooms from 10am - 2.30pm on Saturday October 21.

Members who have cars on Conditional Registration (Historic, Left-hand drive or Street Rod vehicle registration) please remember that is is important to ensure you do the following:

  1. Be a financial member of the club by 31 October 2023. You can pay on the day.

  2. Have your log book and registration papers signed and stamped by one of the Club’s Authorised Persons on the day.

  3. Have your car inspected every 3 years by one of the Club’s Authorised Persons.

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